Stainless Steel Hot Tubs

Traditional spa pools are a luxury item which are usually costly to run and need chemicals to counter the higher risk of harbouring bacteria in warm water.
Stainless steel hot tubs provide a durable, low maintenance and hygienic alternative to cedar and fibreglass spa pools. With a number of brands available, you can choose to heat your water by wood-fire, heat-pump or electricity.
Heated by wood fire, it generally takes 2.5 hours to get the water to temperature and uses a wheelbarrow worth of firewood.
What makes these types of spa pools a winner on the sustainability front is that no chemicals are needed and once the water has cooled down it can be recycled to use in the garden.

Features & Benefits
- Unmatched durability
- Won’t fade, crack or blister
- Superior resistance to bacteria
- Eco-friendly and the steel can be recycled
- Safe and chemical free water
- Once you empty the pool, the water can be used for the gardens
- Can be left empty for long periods of time without and damage
- Easy to install
Relax in warm water without worrying about the environment.
For more information about this product and its uses, visit:
Let Black Pine Architects assist you with incorporating this product into your next project.